need regular upkeep 意味

  • 定期的{ていきてき}な維持管理{いじ かんり}が必要{ひつよう}である


        upkeep:     upkeep n. 維持, 扶養. 【動詞+】 I can't afford the upkeep. 維持費を払えない How do you propose to pay (for) the upkeep of a house like this? こういう家の維持費をどうやってまかなうつもりですか. 【+動詞】 Old houses are cheap
        need more regular exercise:    定期的{ていきてき}な運動{うんどう}がもっと必要{ひつよう}である
        economy in need of regular capital infusion:    《an ~》定期的{ていきてき}な資本注入{しほん ちゅうにゅう}を必要{ひつよう}とする経済{けいざい}
        need to get a letter of recommendation from a regular member:    正会員{せいかいいん}の推薦状{すいせん じょう}が必要{ひつよう}である
        cost of upkeep:    維持費{いじひ}
        office upkeep:    オフィスの維持費{いじひ}
        park upkeep:    公園{こうえん}の維持管理{いじ かんり}
        upkeep (of equip.):    upkeep (of equip.) 営繕 えいぜん
        upkeep costs:    維持費{いじひ}
        upkeep expense:    維持費
        upkeep funds:    維持資金{いじ しきん}
        upkeep of a car:    車の維持費{いじひ} She should be responsible for the upkeep of her car, including gas and insurance.
        upkeep of building:    ビルの維持費{いじひ}
        upkeep of pets:    ペットの維持費{いじひ}
        upkeep on the car:    車の維持費{いじひ}


  1. "need public pressure" 意味
  2. "need quick and easy access to large amounts of data" 意味
  3. "need quite a few repairs" 意味
  4. "need radical revision of" 意味
  5. "need reassurance" 意味
  6. "need relationships and life" 意味
  7. "need reliable supply of affordable energy" 意味
  8. "need renewal" 意味
  9. "need repairing" 意味
  10. "need radical revision of" 意味
  11. "need reassurance" 意味
  12. "need relationships and life" 意味
  13. "need reliable supply of affordable energy" 意味

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